Tuesday, September 28, 2010


coffee; smelling; my perfect nose; a bunch of dandies; heart of gold;Portland my old lover; cum; fat; queergrrls; glorious

Roley Poley; Honey tongued stoney; Mama's coming to spank a pony; sweet cinnamon stick; lick me, lick; take a dip in my sugar, trick

Lightening bolt;Daddy on a stick; apple pies;fleshy folds entwined; porky; podgy;bois in a bowl; are you ready Michigan?? i am killing myself...

Femmes entranced; queer boi danced; image makes a flickr glance; a trupet, a crumpet and sweet honey blanket; fly my pretty, clear crimson sky

If we could be Barbie dolls, I would change your clothes by the moment, taking delicate care to caress your plastic curves and paint your toes golden sunshine...

Slap! i feel your pain; hunger; mouth;scales; slap; you are my friend;slap;delicious hand movement; creation; i am your bitch; come

twice an angel; blended coffee; sweet couplings; tongue dancing; hand holding; suck my clit

sadness;depart;gone;hello;friendly subs;bubs smiling;warm my kidneys;hold you dear;dare;shoot a deer;pain;gone

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's all right to cry by Carol Hall

It's all right to cry
Crying gets the sad out of you
It's all right to cry
It might make you feel better

Raindrops from your eyes
Washing all the mad out of you
Raindrops from your eyes
It's gonna make you feel better

It's all right to feel things
Though the feelings may be strange
Feelings are such real things
And they change and change and change

Sad 'n' grumpy, down in the dumpy
Snuggly, hugly, mean 'n' ugly
Sloppy, slappy, hoppy, happy
Change and change and change

It's all right to know
Feelings come and feelings go
It's all right to cry
It might make you feel better

It's all right to cry, little boy
I know some big boys that cry too

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tikkun Ha'nefesh (repairing my soul)

I think that the calmer I get - the clearer I feel. All I focus now on is being authentically me in what truly moves me....Making decisions that empower me, rather then ones that are sacrificial in nature. The more I approach things with peaceful heart and determined truth - the happier and more control my environment gets. I am done with Drama - at least the kind I create myself. I consciously choose open and honest interactions and remain true to me.....and even when it seems as though I've done something for another - the end result is that it is my own truth to be kind and compassionate and therefore feeds my own soul.

humanity as a whole? well, my first step toward tikkun olam is to take care on my own garden, this will keep the weeds from spreading and infecting my neighbors garden.